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Our current issue is available, while
quantities last, at:
Tru Value Foods
Pender Island Pharmacy
- Talisman Books & Gallery
Medicine Beach Liquor Store
Southridge Country Store
Truss Farm Foods
Click here for our current Calendar of Events.
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Help Us Connect Our Community
The Pender Post is published by a non-profit society managed by a volunteer board. We are currently looking for new board members with fresh ideas.
Join Our Board!

Board members are our links with the community organizations we support and they help direct the content we publish. They also help promote our magazine at Farmer’s Markets and other events, help organize events (like all candidates meetings), and assist in developing and proofreading content. Our board meets once a month for about an hour and a half -- and we always serve treats at our meetings!
For more information:
Contact our president, Annie Smith, at 780 312 4968
and/or see us at the Volunteer Fair at the
Community Hall March 15.
To submit reports or ads, or for advertising information: production@penderpost.org
To inquire about subscriptions: subscriptions@penderpost.org
Advertising billing inquiries: billing@penderpost.org
To contact our Board: secretary@penderpost.org